Medical Emergency Fund for Garter snake
A tiny life in desperate need of help. When this garter snake was found lying motionless on the ground, it was clear something was very wrong. Wild ARC staff acted quickly to save this fragile wild animal, reaching out to a specialized veterinarian with the tools and expertise needed to uncover the issue.
Using a dental x-ray machine to capture detailed images of the snake’s delicate bones, the team discovered a thorn—likely from a rose or blackberry plant—embedded inside the snake’s body. With exceptional care, the thorn was surgically removed, and the snake is now recovering under watchful care of the Wild ARC team.
This little snake isn’t out of the woods yet, but with your kindness, it could have a second chance at life in the wild. Will you help this garter snake get the specialized care it needs to recover?
*Goal includes: X-rays, surgery, specialized care, food, and staff time for this garter snake until they are healthy and ready to return to the wild. We will update you about how your donation has helped care for this patient. If funds raised go above and beyond the needs of this garter snake, your kind gift will help the next wild animal who needs urgent help at Wild ARC.